
This tutorial is going to teach you how to

  1. Create a customer
  2. Create a currency
  3. Create a product
  4. Create a contract
  5. Create a quote
  6. Create an invoice
  7. Set up your accounting
  8. Record an invoice in your accounting
  9. Record a customer payment in the accounting

Before you start I recommend you first have a look into the Intro. This gives you an idea of the basic structure of koalixcrm. When you understand the structure and functions of koalixcrm or any other large Django application you are ready to start with the tutorial. Further, have a look at the koalixcrm Installation section

Create Your First Customer

Let say you want to Register the following Customer: Private address:

John Smith
Ave 1
90990 Smallville

Business address:

Smith and Sons
Ave 2
120987 Largeville

Logging In Adminpage

Depending on where you installed your koalixcrm - in this tutorial I assume you installed it on your localhost (the computer you are sitting in front of) - visit http://localhost/admin in your browser.


fill out the username and password you set during koalixcrm Installation in the syncdb procedure.

Create a Currency


Select “Add Customer”

After login you will see the dashboard you already know from the Intro. In the Applications list select the “Customer” - add button


Fill out Fields

After adding the customer you will have to fill out all required values to get a valid registered customer. You will have to fill out “postal address” and “phone address”. Further you will need to add a new “Default Billing Cycle” This can be added by pressing the greeen “plus” sign beside the “Default billing cycle” drop down box.

A new page will open up and give you the ability to add a new billing cycle. Fill in the values as described in the image below:


After you filled in all required values you will have to click on the save button. This click will bring you back to the customer adding view … and you will see that the default payment method is now set. Next is the customer group, we have to do exactly the same. Click on the green “plus” sign beside the groups list and you will soon get a pop up where you can add your first default customer group. Fill in the values as described in the image below


After that you have to fill out all the addresses defined in the header of this tutorial. Finish the customer registration by pressing the save button


Look at your first Customer

Ok now we have registered your first Customer. Of course to have a customer is not that interesting, we hope that a customer is going to order something, or needs an invoice, a quote or something else. This will be the next step of the tutorial. But first have a look at your bright shiny customer by selecting customer’s id the dashboard as described in the Intro.

Create Your First Contract

I expect you are still looking at your first customer we just created. The next step is to click the checkbox to the left of your customer on the CRM customer list and look at the the actions list that appears on the bottom of the page.


Select “Create Contract” from this list. This will bring you to the “add contract” form. The advantage of doing it this way - instead of adding a new contract through the dashboard - is that you have some values, like the default customer, already set. this will give you some additional seconds for your daily work. I expect you are a little bit surprised … where do I select that I want to have a quote or an invoice? Well, in koalixcrm a contract is not an invoice and a contract is not a quote. A contract is simply a place to store all kind of documents that are related to the contract. This can of course be a invoice or a quote but also purchase orders and so on.

Fill in the description field, then by clicking on the save button you have finished the creation of a contract.

Create Your First Quote

Until now there are no products, no prices and no units registered. In order to be able to offer a product to a customer we need some products first…. you could do it the lazy way by adding the product while registering the quote but in this case we are going to register the products, units and prices before we create the quote.

Create Your First Product

To create your first product visit the dashboard by either following the breadcrumps back to the dashboard


or visit http://localhost/admin again. Press the Add button next to Units to access the Unit adding form. Now fill out all the required fields to register the unit “hours”


Press save, add an other unit by again pressing the add button. Now we create a unit “minute”.


Press save and go back to the dashboard

As we have registered some units, now we are able to create a product.

Press the Products add button to get to the products adding form. We start with a common product called Manpower. Fill all fields with the following values:


as you know every product has its price specially manpower - time is money. That’s why we have to add at least one price for this product by giving the Prices fields the following values.


You will see an other part of this form called Unit Transfroms. Unit Transforms are sometimes needed when, for example, you have stacks of certain products but only one price per piece. Leave this blank when you only have one unit for one product.

After adding this product you are ready to create your first Quote by going to your dashboard. Open Contracts, select the check box beside the contract you want to change and select “Create Quote” from the Actions list. A form will open for you to fill out your fist quote.


As you can see, there are lots of predefined values because we created the quote with the action instead of via dashboard and Quote Add. There are three major parts of a quote:

  • First the general values like “valid until”, “description” and so on
  • Second are role positions of the quote
  • Lastly are Addresses related to the Contract

By pressing the “+” sign you can add as many positions as you like. Fill in the values as described below.


Click on the save button to finish your first quote. Go back to the dashboard, go to quotes and select the newly created quote’s checkbox. From the actions select “Create PDF of Quote” to generate a pdf of this new quote.

Create Your First Invoice

This is going to be a very short chapter because all you have to do is repeat the steps above but instead of selecting “Create Quote” in the Contract Actions list you select “Create Invoice”; alternatively by selecting your new Quote and use the action “Create Invoice”. The second way is much easier and faster because the program just takes all values and positions from the quote and transforms it into a invoice.